The superpower I would kill to have will be the power to control time. I think this power would make me obsolete and indestructible and, let's face it, it will give me the oportunity to fix and see everything no matter when or where it happened. I would no longer be bothered with the thought of wasting time. I never have time for anything these days. I don't remember the last time I could just observe, read, experience something for hours without being bothered by my job, my college, my homework, my family and my boyfriend. If I had the power to control time, I could stop time and take a break from life. I could sleep in one second that wouldn''t even be registered and I could sleep for an entire day if I wished it. I could finish all of the books I want to finish. I could have time to do my homework and my chores, I could have time to write a book and I could have time to see things and do things I never have time to do. I could go back in time and see my life through my own eyes. I could see the life of my friends and my family. I could see everyone's life. I could see myself being born and living if I wanted. I could see the moment where Martin Luther King Jr did his speech. I could find out what happened to Paris Hilton that time she had all those bruises on her because, that has been killing me, I mean, she talks about everything and for this she shuts her mouth?

Anyways, I would certainly see the future to know if my decisions where the correct ones. To know what to do now to ensure it. I would talk to myself and advice myself in the future. I would make the right choices and avoid any bad outcome. And yes, I know bad experiences is what makes us who we are and how strong we are but I'm honestly not in the mood to fail anymore and I don't care what people say. I want to see my life and make sure everything will be alright. I don't ever want to feel tired or stressed and not having time for myself. I mean, I could write a series of books of all the things I would like to do before I die but I know I could never accomplish everything but, if I had the power to control time, I know I could accomplish it all.

Now, five fun facts about me:
1.  I eat cheese whiz with soda crackers every day.
2.  I want my first born son's second name to be Dragonborn or Shakespeare.
3.  I still have my appendix, thank you very much.
4. I've been at the hospital two times this christmas.
5. I'm getting married in July.

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