If you say you don't know Beyonce Knowles then, where the hell have you been all your life? This woman has never stopped appearing everywhere. Since she started on Destiny's Child, I have not been able to spend a month without seeing or hearing something about her. I love this woman. She's strong, empowering, a good example, dedicated, smart, beautiful and extremely and I mean EXTREMELY talented. She has accomplished so much already and she's only thirty one years old! It's hard to believe it since her appearance hasn't changed that much but it's true. If you want to know more about her life overall, you should read her wikipedia since it covers from A to Z on her life.

If you read her Legacy, you'll see her millions of accomplishments. The list is impressive and extensive since she has done so much in her thirty one years of life. Not once have I seen this woman sharing any type of bad publicity and that's one of the things I love about her. She's fierce and classy and empowering to all women and everyone that hears her music. Songs like "Listen" which she did in a movie called "Dreamgirls" were so strong that it can actually give you goosebumps. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself and try to hold back the feels. You won't be able to (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj8bsHOKKzY) Her songs always reach your soul and pull on your heartstrings. It does not matter if it something as playful and upbeat as "Single ladies" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m1EFMoRFvY), emotions just take over and you feel how she wants you to feel. She's that powerful.

To hear her songs you can go to this site: http://www.youtube.com/artist/beyonc%C3%A9 it has all her videos and music.
And to know more about her career as a performer and actress, you can go to this site: http://www.imdb.es/name/nm0461498/

One of the most memorable times of hers has been on the MTV Awards on August 2011 where she performed whilst being PREGNANT! I was shocked and so was the world at that moment. Everything she performed that day became much more meaningful because we knew how much she must of worked to be that good. She even shares her experience in an interview if you want to hear it in more detail (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/14/beyonce-blue-ivy-sonogram-pregnancy-struggles-hbo-_n_2472926.html) It even has her sonogram.

She also was the one artist to get in on politics by performing the Presidential Inauguration this year and meet the President Obama alongside her husband. Here you have the video of her singing the national anthem at that event: http://www.beyonceonline.com/us/news/beyonc%C3%A9-sings-national-anthem-2013-presidential-inauguration-ceremony

Beyonce is just a strong woman that will always go down in history. her music will keep inspiring me and everyone that listens to her to be strong and positive. She's just an amazing woman and if you wanna know more about her and what she's up to you can:
Add her on twitter: https: https://twitter.com/Beyonce
Visit her main website: http://www.beyonceonline.com/us/home
And visit her other main website: http://iam.beyonce.com/

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